

  Challenges – A Personal Contract Challenge Conditions andCriteria挑釁 – 小我私家挑釁的前提以及規範


  Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Gardener,Mansion Interior Guard, Mansion Exterior Guard, Chef


  Evidence Collector

  Collect the evidence in Cliffside and Mansion Ground Floor



  Complete the chapter without being spotted. Gardens,Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion Ground Floor


  Suit Only

  Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Gardens,Greenhouse, Cliffside, Mansion Ground Floor, Mansion Second Floor


  Modern Art

  Accidental kill in the Gardens. The large metal sculpturein the center where the two guards are talking can have its base stem shot todestabilize it, causing it to fall.



  Guard sent flying out of a window (defenestration). Pullout the guard at the cliffside section, the one getting the good news about his”大眾cancer”大眾 not being cancer. The new diagnosis does not protect himfrom terminal falls.


  Extra Spice

  Chef drugged. The sleeping pills are in the upstairsrestroom; the pills may be poured into the stew the cook is preparing.


  Damn Good Coffee

  Head of Security drugged. The sleeping pills are in theupstairs restroom; the pills are poured into the coffee cup at the bar by thefireplace.


  Play It Again

  Accident kill using the piano’s cover. For this, you maywant the cook’s disguise, and leave the two enemies by the kitchen alone, sothey can finish their A.I. route. One of them goes to the piano.


  The Price of Treason

  Clear mission


  Well Played

  Knockout the Head of Security with sleeping pills, getthe key card, and assassinate your target without causing further casualties(essentially a Silent Assassin run).


  物品 Items – A Personal Contract

  Item Location

  Disguise – Chef Find him in the kitchen 廚師禮服

  Disguise – Gardener Refer to the tutorial, or any of the shady looking guys in big hats, sandals, and hippy t-shirts 花匠禮服

  Disguise – Mansion Exterior Guard Guards in the green jumpsuits. You cannot take their disguises until the Instinct tutorial. 大樓外保鑣禮服

  Disguise – Mansion Interior Guard Guards in the slacks and white shirts. All the enemies in the scoring section have this disguise. 大樓內保鑣禮服

  JAGD P22G Handgun carried by the guards. 保鑣的槍

  Axe Found in the garden 斧頭,在一最先轉左的地區,在一個斷樹上

  Book Found in the garden 網球場下方的還原,從左邊走,就會發明

  Coffee Mug At the cliffside 在絕壁場景

  Brick Found in the garden 在一最先轉左的地區

  Fi運動彩券穩贏教學re Poker Fireplace, in the mansion. 大樓大廳內,吧臺左近的火爐

  Hammer Found in the garden 花圃里,砸逝世人的雕像旁

  Keycard Dispose of the Head of Security 保鑣頭目身上

  Filet Knife In the Instinct tutorial section before the greenhouse. 進入溫室前的場景,在桌子上的西瓜果盤那

  Knife Found in the kitchen 廚房里

  Sleeping Pills Found in the second floor運動彩券報馬仔 bathroom, mansion interior (s玩運彩即時比分coring section運動彩券資訊) 大樓2樓的淋浴間

  Statue Bust On the shelf outside the bathroom 淋浴間門口右邊

  Wrench Where 47 first enters the mansion grounds, the tutorial guides you to one. 在一最先轉左的地區


  • 捕魚機
  • 炫海娛樂城
  • 百家樂算牌
  • 金合發娛樂城
  • Q8娛樂城
  • 娛樂城
  • 贏家娛樂城
  • 線上老虎機
  • 娛樂城推薦
  • 財神娛樂城
  • 玩運彩投注