娛樂城Animus焦點(繁中翻譯為animus之駭)。是博學者黑入animus必要玩家往找的器材。實質上是民間點竄器(聽說是只有正版玩家才能玩以及探求)。許多玩家(分外是新玩家)也持這類概念。但自己在網絡完一切焦點后,阿誰秘密聲響又語言運動彩券朋友圈 了“你做到了,真的做到了,哈哈哈。。。”之類的,沒什么意義,但我發明最后浮現了這個代碼:5523C23D2553。
然后是base64,值得一提的是base64加密在啟迪錄刊行前的秘密亂碼預報里的浮現過,那時用base64解開視頻里亂碼后取得戴斯蒙的獨白以及日期等等。此次用base64解碼公然奏效:取得字母: VSPCPSVT。然后又不知所措了。。。于是追求百度輔助,輸出:vspcpsvt,一無所得。然后百度5523C23D2553發明了2個詞條:一個是毫無心義的器材。另一個則是一個很緊張的網站:點擊進入 這便是AC3未刊行時,民間發布的網站:刺客信條發蒙。這個網站詳細就不先容了,英倫有專門貼。我在發蒙中找到了一個用戶的post,便是關于5523C23D2553解碼的。如下是用戶(或者者說高手)的原文:
POSTED ON November 25, 2012 // zboubybou at 8:38 pm I’ve JUST MODAFOKIN GOT IT! After 4hours of research, of decryption, decoding, …
So when you take 5523C23D2553 that you transform it in base體育電競 64, you obtain: “VSPC運動彩券教學PSVT” then with a decryption of a Caesar Cipher, we obtain TADADAAAAAA ………..
https://en.wikiрedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros The Ouroboros that you find on..on what? Yes, on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in France. https://en.wikiрedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_the_Rights_of_Man_and_of_the_Citizen
With what? oh yeah, with the Phryigan Cap (https://en.wikiрedia.org/wiki/Phrygian_cap) and the Eye of Providence (https://en.wikiрedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_Providence) {Also on the US 1$} that Shaun talked about in the end of ACB! So, in addition of all the meaning of the Ouroboros, and the reliving things and so on (can mean that Desmond is not dead, or a new world.. Or in opposition, a breaking loop that Desmond makes,..) it gives us a time and location. French Revolution, Here we go! With the ending of AC3L, Erudito’s hacks and so on, we now know (never know with Ubisoft but) that you’ll play with the new Eve (as Desmond was the New Adam). ——————–
What do you think about that? France? The revolution? Still Connor? Or Aveline? Both? A new hero (male or female)? What about Desmond? Reliving from the death=Ouroboros? Reliving throught his memories? (“What is a man but the sum of his memories?”)
Don’t forget the Origami Unicorn that is an easter egg of Blade Runner : Is a machine human if it can think and have a memory?
So m運動彩卷賽事uc運動彩卷專業分析h things to discuss about..